
Academia can be isolating, but there is a range of resources available if you or someone you know is struggling, or if you just need someone to talk to. These actions can sometimes be difficult to take, but remember - you aren't alone.

Explicitly Implicit: Resource List

The transcript of the episode can be found at this link.

Click here for a list of papers about implicit bias (and send us any we have missed!)

You can find the NeuWrite West blog about this journal club series at this link.

Click here for the link to the class where the Stanford students first collected papers.


Student health provides a variety of services free of charge, from managing stress to dealing with grief to cultivating a healthy relationship with food and beyond. You can also connect with a counselor online using their anonymous depression and stress screening tool. Keep an eye out for the events they hold on campus on a regular basis.


Search over 200 diversity & outreach initiatives to learn about the resources available at UCSF.


If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States.


The CARE Advocate provides free, confidential support to any UCSF affiliate including students, staff, faculty, post docs and researchers who have experienced interpersonal violence such as sexual assault, dating/intimate partner violence, sexual harassment or stalking.


Student Disability Services serves, supports, and empowers UCSF students with disabilities by ensuring equitable access to fully and holistically participate in all areas of the university experience. Listen to our episode related to this topic here.


ucsf LGBT resource center

The Center aims to sustain visibility and a sense of community throughout the campus and medical center. We are committed to building workplace equity, promoting student and staff leadership, and providing high quality, culturally sensitive care to our patients. Listen to our episode related to this topic here.


This resource is a virtual center for the undocumented community at UCSF, as well as current and perspective students, faculty, staff, and documented allies. Listen to our episode related to this topic here.


photo by Nicholas Steinberg